Thursday, the 28th of May, 2020


Hello everyone! How are you today? 😄😸

This week we're going to learn about MAPS. And you're going to make your treasure map!!! 👌

It's very important to know how to read a map. So for this project you have to go to Unit 3 in your Social Science book and learn about maps and the cardinal points. Here are the audios:

Social Science audios 

 After that, you have to watch this video:

You have to make a treasure map. In this map, you have to draw an island, the 4 cardinal points and a key. When you finish drawing the map with your treasure, you have to write about the location of the treasure (just like in the video). Last day to send me your treasure map is June the 4th.

Finally, take a picture of your project and send it to me to my email: 

Good luck with the project! Bye! 😘

Wednesday, the 21st of May, 2020


Hello everyone! How are you? Is everybody OK? 😊

This week we're going to learn about PLANTS and their different parts 🌲🌳🌴. Here's a video you have to see:

You can use the Natural Science book and the digital activities in Anaya too to get information about plants, in Unit 5. Here are the audios:

You have to do a Plants project. For this project, you have to label the parts of a plant. Last day to send me your project is 28th of May

You can use the materials you want: you can go to the park or your garden and get a flower, you can draw it, you can make a poster or a minibook... whatever you want. But the most important thing is to label the different parts of a plant: 

- Leaves
- Roots
- Flowers
- Stem

Here's a video with an example:

When you finish the project, send it to my email:

Good luck with the Project!! Bye!! 😊


Tuesday, the 12th of May, 2020


Hello everyone! How are you? Did you finish the Solar System project? 😊

This week you have to do a new project: the four phases of the Moon. 🌕🌘🌑🌒. You can do it in a cardboard, in your notebook or in a white sheet. Last day: 19th of May.

Materials: anything you want (toys, drawings, cookies, balls...).

You can find the information you need in your Social Science book, on page 28; and in the digital activities in Anaya (Unit 2). Here are the audios:

Social Science audios

Good luck with this project!! Bye!!


Monday, the 4th of May, 2020


Hello everyone! How are you today? Did you have a good weekend? 😋

This week we're going to learn and have fun with one of your favourite topics... ANIMALS!! 😸🐶🦒🐘 

We're going to learn about VERTEBRATE animals. Here's a video you have to see very carefully:

For those of you who are struggling with English, don't worry. Here's the Spanish version of the same video:

You can use the Natural Science book and the digital activities in Anaya too to get information about vertebrates, in Units 3 and 4.

You have to do an Animals Project. You can use your notebooks, a white sheet, or cardboard; and you can draw the animals or use cut-outs, toys, real animals.... it's up to you! In this Project, you have to classificate the 5 types of Vertebrate animals. Here you have some examples and two videos:

When you finish the project, take a picture of it and send it to my email:

Last day: 11th of May.

Good luck with the Project!! Bye!! 😊

Tuesday, the 28th of April, 2020


Good morning, children! How are you today? Are you ready to learn and play with the Solar System? 😊😄

This week you have to make a model of the Solar System. To do this, you can use any materials you have at home. Here's a video and some pictures as ideas for your model:

Remember, you can find the order of the planets in your Social Science book (page 32). 

Send me pictures of your models to my email:

Have fun with this Project! Bye!! 😊😜

Friday, the 20th of March, 2020


Good morning everyone!!

Para este fin de semana os dejo unas fichas interactivas en ¡¡Todas son de animales, que sé que os encantan!! Son las fichas 10, 11, 12 y 13 del cuaderno de Natural Science.

Os dejo también un diccionario online para que podáis consultar cualquier palabra que no sepáis:

Have a good weekend!! See you on Monday!!


Thursday, the 19th of March, 2020

Hi there!! How are you today??

¡¡Hoy vamos a repasar las estaciones del año!! The 4 seasons!! ¡¡Para ello os dejo una canción muy molona para que bailéis y cantéis, y aprendáis sobre las estaciones del año!! Aquí está:

Y desde aquí os animo a que LOS QUE QUERÁIS OS GRABÉIS EN VÍDEO CON EL MÓVIL DE VUESTRAS FAMILIAS CANTANDO Y BAILANDO LA CANCIÓN, y me lo mandéis a Cuando los reciba, intentaré hacer un collage con todos los vídeos y lo podremos ver todos. ¿Qué os parece la idea? 

Os dejo la letra de la canción por aquí:

Here we go, oh, oh
Seasons of the year

Here comes the spring with the rain pouring down
Here comes the spring with the flowers in the ground
Here comes the spring with the rainbow in the sky
Here comes the spring to bring new life

Here we go, oh, oh
Seasons of the year

Here comes the summer with the heat from the sun
Here comes the summer with the kids having fun
Here comes the summer with the warm breeze
Here comes the summer with the trees so green

Here we go, oh, oh
Seasons of the year

Here comes the fall with the leaves changing color
Here comes the fall with the climate getting cooler
Here comes the fall with the leaves falling down
Here comes the fall with the wind blowing loud

Here we go, oh, oh
Seasons of the year

Here comes the winter with the ice and the snow
Here comes the winter with the freezing cold
Here comes the winter with the days getting shorter
Here comes the winter with the nights getting longer


Tuesday, the 17th of March, 2020


¡¡Vamos a repasar los huesos, los músculos y las articulaciones!! Para ello, entramos en, introducimos nuestro usuario y nuestra contraseña (la misma que para Anaya Digital), y hacemos las 3 actividades que os he dejado de deberes. Si no habéis hecho las otras, también las vais haciendo estos días. Espero que estéis todos bien 😃.



Aquí tenéis un juego para repasar los planetas del Sistema Solar 👾👽

Friday, the 13th of March, 2020


Aquí tenéis el enlace a la página web de Anaya Digital, en la cual están los libros digitales de Social Science y Natural Science:

Introducimos nuestro usuario y contraseña (ambas están en la Agenda Escolar; la contraseña es igual que la de Navioasturias2222), y hacemos clic en “Entrar”.

Una vez dentro, podemos seleccionar los libros de Social Science o Natural Science. Para ello, debemos hacer clic en “ver Mis recursos”. Se abrirá una nueva pestaña, y ahí debemos hacer clic en “Resource bank”. Se abrirá un desplegable debajo, y ahí ya podremos seleccionar las actividades que queramos realizar.

A día de hoy estamos estudiando la UNIT 2 de Social Science, titulada “Our Solar System”. Así que podéis hacer todas las actividades de esta unidad y de la unidad anterior, UNIT 1 “Where I live”.
Del mismo modo, en Natural Science hemos aprendido las dos primeras unidades (UNIT 1 “My body” y UNIT 2 “Being healthy”). De ese modo podréis hacer todas las actividades de esas dos unidades, a modo de repaso.

A continuación os dejamos unos enlaces con unos juegos para aprender y repasar sobre el Sistema Solar, en inglés:

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